Monday, April 13, 2009

WTF am I thinking?

That is exactly what was going through my head as I was headed out to do a pre-ride of the Sea Otter Classic XC course yesterday. The race is Friday.

I felt like crap right from the beginning. Going up 82 didn't help that feeling either. Over on that side of Fort Ord, it was kind of warm too and I was sweating like a hog. Why am I trying to RACE this? Why do I want to give myself an un-shakeable headache, push myself to the point of feeling like I want to just lay down and quit, and constantly agonize over the pain in my legs and the pounding between me ears? All the while watching people pass me by because I didn't train enough.

Hopefully riding the XC bike and with less stuff in the camelback, I'll do better on Friday. But, I suspect, there will be a lot of "Why the hell am I doing this again?" running through my head.

1 comment:

Brian Kunz said...

Every race I have ever done, including the crits, this thought has entered my head at some point. Why am I doing this? When the race is over, youll know why you do it.